Saturday, December 9, 2023

Have you considered doing this?

Years ago when my children were in elementary school, plastic canvas was enjoying a huge amount of popularity.  Does anyone else remember that?  Sadly I had boys who didn't really like anything made with that substance.  They were much more into match box cars and trucks and other modes of transportation.  Plastic canvas cars and trucks were more of a decorative than functional toy.  

I did find a leisure arts booklet for a plastic canvas circular Santa workshop.  I really wanted to make it .  However I couldn't justify the time it would take when I had things to do and make that my sons would like, want and use.  Things like hats, mittens and gloves and camping and digging in the dirt.

I was going to make this for younger son but he'd want to play with it and that would be bad.

Now that we have a next generation, the youngest wants a Christmas village.  I'm not sure if it was her hangry mood, her inability to express she didn't feel well or she really does want a Christmas village.  If she does, it's being made from recyclable materials and she can play with it.

I might crochet her a gingerbread house for next year.......