Saturday, July 23, 2016

Upcoming .....

Great things are coming.  Great things have already occurred.  One great thing was my church festival is over.  It's always a lot of work and a lot of joy and a lot of weather worry.  We had help when it was needed.  We experienced joy before during and after the festival.  We had 3 days of good weather, hot and humid but no rain. 

Upcoming things include online classes.  Eventually each class listed on the different pages will be available online.  A local high school teacher and I are teaming up to learn this online process.  I will post updates as they occur.  First up will be some Tunisian crochet.  I offer how to do the stitch and how to tame the inevitable curl.

I'm also looking to do more designing.  I will keep you abreast of where to find the patterns or post them here if they are free.  I will also be revamping previous patterns.

For now we are having a heat wave complete with high humidity.  Small children, the elderly, and those who are not working at 100% are asked to stay inside.  I'm taking advantage of this to finish a project that I needed done before July even started.  With the bright sunny days, I have plenty of light.  This is something I didn't have back in April and May.  I'm working on repairing an heirloom tablecloth for a friend.  I finally (with help from Wanda and Jane, thanks ladies) found the correct thread size.  Now I have good light and can get this work done.  I'm finding the getting older eyes do not work so well in all levels of light.  Maybe I'm not as young as I think I am.....

Thanks for sticking with me through the long silence.  I did actually write but was not willing to post them publicly until I could edit them.  There is a series about when I was a child and Wilbur Wabbit.  Do any of you know about him or is he a local phenomenon?

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