Sunday, February 18, 2018

A Year of Stitches week 6

Week 6 of a year in stitches series and I'm brought to a movie reference. I'm a fan of Sean Connery movies.  I was watching "A Hunt for the Red October ".  Way back in the 80s, many knitters were enamored with Alex Baldwin's sweater .

So to that end, the basics of the sweater.

Cast on a multiple of 8.  All the cuffing of the sweater is 2x2 ribbing.

Cast on 24.

R1-4: * k2, p2.  Repeat to the end.
R5: * k6, p2.  Repeat to the end.
R6: * k2, p6.  Repeat to the end.
Repeat these 2 rows until the piece measures 3.25 inches.
Now repeat R1-4. Bind off in pattern.

The original sweater was done in natural wool in sport weight.  The pattern for this sweater an be found at

Crochet stitches

This is a multiple of 2 plus 1 stitches.

Ch 26.

R1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, * dtr in next st,  sc in next st.  Repeat from *to the end. Turn.
R2: ch 1, sc in each st.  Turn.
R3: ch 1, sc, * sc in next st, dtr in next st.  Repeat to the last 2 sts, sc in last 2 sts.
R4: rep R4.
R5: ch 1, * sc, dtr. Repeat from * to the end,  end with sc.

Repeat R2 - R5 for desired length. Then repeat R2.

This produces a loopy fabric with lots of texture

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