Currently I am packing up my house to move. Circumstances dictate this move. However, my husband has packed all (or what he thought was all) of my yarn. From the various rooms and closets comes more.
Our home also houses our son and his daughter. The packing and boxes make for a very unsettled toddler. We adults understand that and try to accommodate her.
Thus when we found a cake or bernat blanket stripes with knitting and needles that you as escaped being boxed up, I just let it be. It has a beginning of a blanket for said granddaughter. She likes to touch and play with everything she sees, like all little ones. I was not afraid of her handling it. I did have some concerns when she tasted the wood needles. She doesn't need splinters.
This yarn doesn't run. It needs a lot of encouragement. The needle removal happened two days ago. I have not had time to put them back in the blanket. When I tried to get the needles she didn't want to give them up. The more I asked the more she wavered between the evil little look that says I know exactly what I'm doing and the cranky child crying no because Mimi is supposed to be knitting and the boxes that are everywhere are more than she can handle.
I have a feeling it will get boxed up with more yarn found in one of the bedrooms. As for our little granddaughter, stories and songs and her "babies" will suffice until the move is complete and I can finish this project.
She will learn she is loved no matter where we are.