Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October is National Domestic Violence Month

Domestic violence affects more people than we know. It affects women and children primarily.   We can't overlook the men either.  Domestic Violence knows no boundaries.  It crosses all social norms, economic layers, genders.  

The violence takes four basic forms, physical,  mental/emotional,  sexual  and neglect.   It serves to strip a person of their dignity and self respect.  It causes physical wounds large and small. It causes mental and emotional wounds that persist as long as the person is alive.

A way to help the victims is to give them the courage and capability to make choices. Offer your services to the local domestic violence service. What do you do well? It's possible that for security and privacy the offer will be refused.  Don't take it personally.  See what needs you can fill. Most people who land in the DVI do so without basic necessities due to having to leave in a hurry.  Clothes to suit the season can be met by knitting and crocheting or purchasing things.  Use current fashionable colors or neutrals that can work with a wide range of color choices.   Clothes to fit a variety of jobs are very useful and welcome. Perhaps cleaning out some of your gently used items can help.

One of the things I like to offer is a fashionable accessory.  I offer a variety of warm hat, scarf, and mitten or glove sets.  I also like to offer a scarf that can be used to dress up some basic clothes for those in professional jobs.

Here is a hat idea that can fit a child or adult.

CO 60 using a double strand of worsted weight or a strand of bulky weight (5) yarn on a size 10 1/2US 16 inch circular needle.  PM before joining to work in the round.

Rd 1:  * K 2nd st on left needle, do not remove, k 1st st on left needle, remove both.  P2.  Rep from * to marker.
Rd 2:  * k2, p2.  Rep from around. 

Rep Rd 1 & 2 until there are 7 inches.

  *k2, p2tog.  Rep from * around.  K2, p1 for 2 rds. * k2tog, p1.  rep from * around.  K1, p1 for 2 rds.  k2tog around.  Divide remaining stitches in thirds and work each section in 5 inches of Icord.  Braid or leave separated. 

A fashionable scarf/cowl can be a fine accessory to cover a neckline that might be a little too low or to add warmth or hide bruising from prying eyes that don't need to know the intimate details of a person's life.

I like the South bay shawlette from Lion Brand yarn.  


I also like this simple one. It can use any weight yarn and the hook you usually use or a size bigger. 

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