Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Granny Square Vs. Granny Alternative

 I think most if not all of us know what a granny square looks like.  Here is a 4 round pattern for the granny square.

ch 4.  join with a sl st in the first ch.

rd 1: ch 3 (this counts as a dc now and throughout) 2 dc in the ch 4 ring, ch 1, * 3 dc in ring, ch 1.  Rep from * 2 more times.  Join with a sl st in the top of the ch 3.

rd 2:  ch 3, 2 dc in the ch 1 sp, * 3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc in the next ch 1 sp (corner formed).  Rep 2 more times.  In the first ch 1 sp, work 3 dc, ch 1 and join in the top of the ch 3 with a sl st.

rd 3: ch 3, 2 dc in the ch 1 sp, 3 dc, ch 1 in the next ch 1 sp, * 3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc in next ch 1 sp, ch 1, 3 dc, ch 1 in next dc.  Rep from * around.  Finish the first corner as rd 2.

rd 4:  ch 3, 2 dc in the ch 1 sp, (3 dc, ch 1) in next 2 ch 1 sps, * 3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc, ch 1 in next ch 1 sp,  (3 dc, ch 1) in the next 2 ch 1 sps.  Rep from * around.  Finish the first corner.

Now let's analyze this.  The square increases on each side by 3 dc and a ch stitch on each round.  This keeps it square.  IF you find that the corners start to twist, it can be corrected in the short term by turning every other round.  In the long term, practice. practice, and more practice and some experimentation with the number of chains between each segment of 3 dc and in each corner.

Now the granny alternative.  This also makes a square but you will quickly see how it differs.

ch 4, join with a sl st in the first ch.

rd 1: ch 3, 2 dc in ring, ch 1, * 3 dc in ring, ch 1.  Rep * twice more and join in the top of the ch 3.

rd 2:  ch 1, sc in the ch 1 sp.  * ch 3, sc in next ch 1 sp, ch 3, sc in the same ch 1 sp ch 3.  Rep * twice more.  End with ch 3, sc in first ch 1 sp, ch 3 join with sl st in top of first sc.

Rd 3: sl st into the ch 3 sp, ch 3, 2 dc in the same ch 3 loop, ch 1, * 3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc in next ch 3 loop (corner formed in the corner loop) ch 1, 3 dc in the next ch 3 loop, ch 1.  Rep from * three times more.  End with a corner in the last ch 3 loop, ch 1.  sl st in the top of the ch 3.

rd 4:  ch 1, sc in ch 1 sp, ch 3.  sc in ch 1 sp of prev rd, ch 3.  Make a corner loop in the corner.  

rd 5:  sl st into the ch 3 sp.  ch 3, 2 dc in the same ch 3 loop,  ch 1.  3 dc, ch 1 in each ch 3 loop,  3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc, ch 1 for each corner.

As you can see rd 1 has 1 segment of  3 dc on each side the same as the more frequently seen granny square above. Rd 3 also has 3 segments of 3 dc on each side the same as the more frequently seen granny square above.  Rd 5 will also have 5 segments of 3 dc.  The ch 3 loops are where the increases happens.  So the math works for both.  The alternative will have less chance of twisting.

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