Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Joining Class prep work

I'm offering next week joining classes for both knitting and crocheting.  I've done a bunch of these over the years and some are completely different from anything I've seen.

To prepare for the crochet class, I have made 48 4inch blocks, so far.  These are a combination of granny squares and blocks made in rows.  Each pair will be a different join.  Some are variations on a theme.  I'm doing the joins now.  Some are sewn.  Many are crochet.  Quite a number are JAYGo, This means join as you go.

My next part is to do a similar number of knit blocks.  There are fewer methods for joining knitting.  Most will involve a crochet hook or yarn needle.  A couple will involve knitting needles.

A picture will show up soon of some of them.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Mother's day

I realize that yesterday was Mother's day.  A belated Happy Mother's day to all the moms out there.

I was treated to supper out at one of our favorite restaurants and a car washing.  Mostly a really good day.  I spent my morning selling carnations at my church and that got me thinking about an article I saw recently.  I didn't get to read the whole thing but the idea of it was that a pair of teen girls crochet corsages each year.  I didn't get to the part that says what these are for.

I know there are a few flower books on the market.  I know lion brand has a bunch of flower patterns also.  Perhaps  next year I will knit or crochet a corsage.  Maybe for myself, maybe for my mother in law,and definitely in favorite flower s and colors.