A Year of Knit Stitches and A Year of Crochet Stitches have sadly fallen by the wayside after a new baby then a family emergency with an elderly family member having a stroke. So here are two new stitches for you to try.
A year of stitches is a challenging thing to work on long term. Some people find it very hard to do an actual project after so much swatching. "I can do a swatch but really don't know if I can handle a whole sweater in that stitch" is one of the comments I've heard repeatedly. Do you like them? Do you try the stitches? Do you have any ideas what to do with some of them? This is why I also created the what can I do with the swatches series. I'll start with some of the more complicated ideas to give more instruction.
Double Linen Stitch
Multiple of 4 stitches + 2
Cast on 26
R1: *k2, sl 2 wyif. Rep from *, end k2
R2: *p2, sl 2 wyib. Rep from * end p2
R3: k2, *k2, sl 2wyif. Rep from *, ending k4
R4: P2, *p2, sl 2wyib. Rep from *, ending p4
To vary this even more, change colors every 2 rows or every row.
I don't know too many people who don't like waffles. This stitch is a multiple of 3 stitches plus 1. To make it extra cushy, use a hook 2 sizes larger than usual for the yarn being used.
DC in 4th ch and each ch. The ch3 counts as a Dc now and throughout. Turn.
**Ch3, * bptr in next 2 DC, fptr in next st. Rep from * across. Turn
Ch3, * fptr in next 2 sts, bptr in next St. Rep from * across. Turn**
Rep these 2 rows until you have a square or rectangle of desired size.
This would be great as a warm baby blanket for a gift.