Friday, August 3, 2018

Knit in Public Day a little late

Courtesy of a church festival and a family emergency,  I didn't get a chance to attend any of the festivities locally or further afield.  I have a facebook  post about some of the goings on.  
From everything I have seen online,  WWKIP was a smashing success.  There were even considerations made for crochet and some of the other needle arts, depending on your locale.

Had I been able to attend, I was asked to teach a fabulous crochet flower and a crochet butterfly at my local outing.

Here's the basic idea for the flower.

Ch 4 and join with a slst to form a ring.
R1:  ch 2, 15 hdc in ring.  Join with a slst in top of ch 2.
R2:  working in front loop, ch 1, sc in same St as join, *  2 hdc in each of next 2 hdc,  sc in next.  Rep from * around. Slst in sc.
R3: * working in the back loop,  (ch 2, dc, 2 tr, dc, ch 2, sl st, sl st in next bl).  Rep from * around.

Fasten off.

Weave in the ends and use as an embellishment.  To add more interest to the flower, use variegated yarns or different shades of the same color for the rounds.

Here's the basic idea for the butterfly.

Ch 5 and join with a sl st to form a ring.
R1: ch 3, dc in ring, * ch 2, 2 dc in ring.  Rep from * 6 times.  ch 2, sl st in top of ch 3.  8 ch 2 spaces.
R2:  sl st to ch 2 sp, ch 3,  2 dc, ch, 3dc in ch 2 sp, * 3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc, ch 1 in next ch 2 sp.  Rep from * around.  
R3:  ch 1, sc in ch 1 sp, * in next ch 2 sp,  3 dc, 4 tr, 3 dc, sc in ch 1 sp.  Rep from * around.

Fold in half.  With black, Ch 2, make a long sc around the center of the folded butterfly.  This is the body.  Ch 11, sl st in 3 ch from hook, sl st in next 6 ch, 3 hdc in sc, ch 8, sl st in 3rd ch from hook and each of next 6 ch.  Fasten off.

You can change up the butterfly by using variegated yarns, a different color on round, add fanciful curlicues to the last round  in the middle of the 4tr.

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