Today's stitches will be
Royal Quilting and Open Shells
Royal Quilting
This is a beautiful 2 color pattern that is novel and ingenious. It is a firm fabric. When carrying the strands on R 4 & 8 stay loose.
Multiple of 6 plus 3. Uses 2 colors.
R1: (WS) With A, k1, p1, * sl 5 wyib, p1; rep from *, end k1.
R2: With B k
R3: With B, k1, p to last st, k1.
R4: With A, k 1, sl 3 wyib, * insert needle under the loose strand of R1 and k the next st bringing st out under strand to catch strand behind st; sl 5 wyib; rep from * to last 5 sts, end k next st under loose strand, sl 3 wyib, k1.
R5: With A, k1, sl 3 wyib, * p1, sl 5 wyib; rep from * to last 5 sts, end p1, sl 3 wyib, k1.
R6 & 7: With B rep R 2 & 3.
R8: With A, k1, * k next st under loose strand of R5, sl 5 wyib; rep from * to last 2 sts, end k next st under loose strand, k1.
Rep R 1 - 8 until you have a square.
Open Shells
Multiple of 7 plus 1.
Row 1: (Right Side): 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, *skip 2ch, work a Shell of [1dc, 1ch, 1dc, 1ch, 1dc] into next ch, skip 2ch, 1sc into next ch**, 3ch, 1sc into next ch; rep from * ending last rep at **, turn
Row 2: 7ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), *work a sc into center dc of next Shell, 3ch**, 1dc into next 3ch arch, 3ch; rep from * ending last rep at **, 1tr into last sc, skip tch, turn.
Row 3: 1ch, 1sc into 1st st, *skip next 3ch sp, Shell into sc, skip next 3ch sp**, sc into next dc; rep from * ending last rep at **, 1sc into 4th ch of tch, turn.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 until you have reached your desired length.