Monday, July 1, 2013

Christmas In July

It's that time of year again.  Time to think of what, if anything will I make for family and friends.  Even though the temps are 90+* for most of us and the last thing we want to contemplate is holding all that nice warm wool, we can think of what to make and gather patterns and materials.  Even I don't do much knitting or crocheting in summer.

Will you do sweaters?  Those do need time to complete.  Depending on how you work and what you do, a lot of time is required to finish a sweater.

Will you do quick and easy projects for more people?  Things like hats and mittens are quick and easy.  Slippers fall into this category.  

Are shawls and afghans on your hit list for gift giving?  Perhaps you have wee ones on your list who might like toys.  Possibly you and your recipients are of a practical nature and gift giving is of the use it up variety.

During this month, I will be linking to things of all types that might be on your gift recipients lists.  Some sites will require you to register to access the pattern.  All are free.  Most will want no more than your user name and a password.

To get us started and stay cool for now, try these ideas.  Pair them up with new cooking utensils or a set of pans.  Add these personal touches to a dinner basket that has all the fixings for a favorite meal for the cook in the family.  

Crocheted potholder  Knit potholder  Don't like these?  Try these links for more options.  One thing to keep in mind for this type of project of to use either wool or cotton.  Acrylic will  melt. 

More crocheted potholders   More knitted potholders

As always, if you need help with a project, either directions in the pattern or a specific technique, check with your local Michaels to see when your Knit or Crochet Instructor is available.


  1. I don't knit or crochet but do sew. I have been playing on Pinterest most of the day today gathering and organizing craft and decorating ideas for the upcoming holidays. Keeps my mind off the fact it is so hot and humid outside! Have fun creating!

  2. That is part of my trouble. Too many ideas I really want to do and not enough time or recipients.
